

A person wearing glasses

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      ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4569-1568



      2010.9 – 2015.7     博士, 原子物理, 现代物理研究所上海EBIT实验室, 复旦大学

      2006.9 – 2010.7     学士, 物理学, 物理与电子科学学院, 山东师范大学



      2022.01 – 至今            研究员, 中国科学院国家天文台   

      2021.01 – 2021.12        副研究员, 中国科学院国家天文台   

      2020.07 – 2020.12       博士后, 瑞典隆德大学

      2018.12 – 2020.06       博士后, 瑞典马尔默大学

      2016.10 – 2018.11       ASP项目博士后, 美国国家大气研究中心高山天文台




      太阳磁场测量, 原子光谱学, 原子结构计算, 等离子体光谱诊断, 实验室天体物理, 偏振光谱理论



1.  W. Li, A. M. Amarsi, A. Papoulia, J. Ekman and P. Jönsson, Extended theoretical transition data in C I – IV, 2021, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 502,


2.  E. Landi, W. Li, T. Brage, and R. Hutton, Hinode/EIS Coronal Magnetic Field Measurements at the Onset of a C2 Flare, 2021, Astrophys. J. 913, 1.

3.  W. Li, H. Hartman, K. Wang, and P. Jönsson, Theoretical investigation of oscillator strengths and lifetimes in Ti II, 2020, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 643, A156.

4.  W. Li, P. Rynkun, L. Radžiūtė, G. Gaigalas, B. Atalay, A. Papoulia, K. Wang, H. Hartman, J. Ekman, T. Brage, C. Y. Chen, and P. Jönsson, Multiconfiguration

Dirac-Hartree-Fock Calculations of Landé g-factors for Ions of Astrophysical interests: B II, C I-IV, Al I-II, Si I-IV, P II, S II, Cl III, Ar IV, Ca I, Ti II, Zr III and Sn II,

2020, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 639, A25.

5.  W. Li, J. Grumer, T. Brage, and P. Jönsson, Hfszeeman95—A program for computing weak and intermediate magnetic-field- and hyperfine-induced transition rates,

2020, Comput. Phys. Commun.,107211.

6.  R. Casini and W. Li, Removal of Spectro-Polarimetric Fringes by 2D PCA, 2019, Astrophys. J.872:173.

7.  W. Li, R. Casini, S. Tomczyk, E. Landi Degl’Innocenti and B. Marsell, Laboratory test of scattering polarization models, 2018, Astrophys. J. Lett. 867:L22.

8.  W. Li, R. Casini, T. del Pino Alemán and P. G. Judge, Solar Spectral Lines with Special Polarization Properties for the Calibration of Instrument Polarization,

2017, Astrophys. J. 848:82.

9.  W. Li, Y. Yang, B. Tu, J. Xiao, J. Grumer, T. Brage, T. Watanabe, R. Hutton and Y. Zou, Pseudo-Degeneracy of Atomic Levels Giving Transitions Induced by Magnetic Fields,

of Importance for Determining the Field Strengths in the Solar Corona, 2016, Astrophys. J. 826:219.

10.   W. Li, J. Grumer, Y. Yang, T. Brage, K. Yao, C. Chen, T. Watanabe, P. Jönsson, H. Lundstedt, R. Hutton and Y. Zou, A Novel Method to Determine Magnetic Fields in low-density

Plasma Facilitated Through Accidental Degeneracy of Quantum States in Fe9+, 2015, Astrophys. J. 807:69.

11.   W. Li, Z. Shi, Y. Yang, J. Xiao, T. Brage, R. Hutton and Y. Zou, Tungsten spectroscopy in the EUV range observed at a high-temperature superconducting electron-beam ion trap,

2015, Phys. Rev. A 91, 062501.

12.   J. Grumer, W. Li, D. Bernhardt, J. Li, S. Schippers, T. Brage, P. Jönsson, R. Hutton and Y. Zou, Effect of an external magnetic field on the determination of E1M1 two-photon decay

 rates in Be-like ions, 2013, Phys. Rev. A 88, 022513.