ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4569-1568
2010.9 – 2015.7
博士, 原子物理, 现代物理研究所上海EBIT实验室, 复旦大学
2006.9 – 2010.7 学士, 物理学, 物理与电子科学学院, 山东师范大学
2022.01 –
至今 研究员, 中国科学院国家天文台
2021.01 – 2021.12
副研究员, 中国科学院国家天文台
2020.07 –
2020.12 博士后, 瑞典隆德大学
2018.12 –
2020.06 博士后, 瑞典马尔默大学
2016.10 –
2018.11 ASP项目博士后, 美国国家大气研究中心高山天文台
太阳磁场测量, 原子光谱学, 原子结构计算, 等离子体光谱诊断, 实验室天体物理, 偏振光谱理论
1. W. Li, A.
M. Amarsi, A. Papoulia, J. Ekman and P. Jönsson, Extended theoretical transition data in C I – IV, 2021, Monthly Notices of the
Royal Astronomical Society, 502,
2. E. Landi, W. Li, T. Brage, and R. Hutton, Hinode/EIS Coronal Magnetic Field Measurements at the Onset
of a C2 Flare, 2021, Astrophys. J.
913, 1.
3. W. Li, H. Hartman, K. Wang, and P. Jönsson,
Theoretical investigation of oscillator strengths and lifetimes in Ti II, 2020, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 643, A156.
4. W. Li, P. Rynkun, L. Radžiūtė, G. Gaigalas, B. Atalay,
A. Papoulia, K. Wang, H. Hartman, J. Ekman, T. Brage, C. Y. Chen, and P. Jönsson, Multiconfiguration
Dirac-Hartree-Fock Calculations
of Landé g-factors for Ions of Astrophysical interests: B II, C I-IV, Al I-II, Si I-IV, P II, S II, Cl
III, Ar IV, Ca I, Ti II, Zr III and Sn
2020, Astronomy & Astrophysics,
639, A25.
5. W. Li, J. Grumer, T. Brage, and P. Jönsson,
Hfszeeman95—A program for computing weak and intermediate magnetic-field- and hyperfine-induced transition rates,
2020, Comput. Phys. Commun.,107211.
R. Casini and
W. Li, Removal of Spectro-Polarimetric Fringes by 2D PCA, 2019, Astrophys.
7. W. Li, R. Casini, S. Tomczyk, E. Landi Degl’Innocenti and B. Marsell, Laboratory test of scattering polarization
models, 2018, Astrophys. J.
Lett. 867:L22.
8. W. Li, R. Casini,
T. del Pino Alemán and P. G. Judge, Solar Spectral
Lines with Special Polarization Properties for the Calibration of Instrument
Astrophys. J. 848:82.
9. W. Li, Y. Yang, B. Tu, J. Xiao, J. Grumer, T. Brage, T. Watanabe, R. Hutton and Y. Zou,
Pseudo-Degeneracy of Atomic Levels Giving Transitions Induced by Magnetic
Importance for Determining the Field Strengths in the Solar Corona, 2016, Astrophys. J. 826:219.
10. W. Li, J. Grumer,
Y. Yang, T. Brage, K. Yao, C. Chen, T. Watanabe, P. Jönsson,
H. Lundstedt, R. Hutton and Y. Zou, A Novel Method to Determine Magnetic Fields
in low-density
Facilitated Through Accidental Degeneracy of Quantum States in Fe9+,
2015, Astrophys. J. 807:69.
11. W. Li, Z. Shi, Y. Yang, J. Xiao, T.
Brage, R. Hutton and Y. Zou, Tungsten spectroscopy in the EUV range observed at
a high-temperature superconducting electron-beam ion trap,
Phys. Rev. A 91, 062501.
J. Grumer, W.
Li, D. Bernhardt, J. Li, S. Schippers, T. Brage, P. Jönsson,
R. Hutton and Y. Zou, Effect of an external magnetic field on the determination
of E1M1 two-photon decay
rates in Be-like ions, 2013, Phys. Rev. A 88, 022513.